This face is very similar to the one Claire had when she got home yesterday. Why?? The answer starts with Coach helping me pack her lunch, snack, backpack for school.
Coach also took time off his "real" job to help rake leaves (more on that in a sec.) and decided to pick up Claire from school for a surprise. That made her uber-happy.
This, however, is the face she had when she pulled me aside when we got home. Here's how the conversation went:
Claire: Did dad pack my lunch today? (insert face photo here)
Me: Yeah, Why?
Claire: Well, next time could you remind him that my lunchbox hooks to the OUTSIDE of my backpack? Oh yeah...and he didn't pack a snack, Mom, snack....
Let's not overwhelm the man, Bean. He DID take time off work to help with the leaves, and pack you lunch, do you expect perfection??
Don't answer that.
More on the leaves...
We live next to a woods, which leads to us having...well, um... a mega leaf problem in the fall. We're talking so many that you can't see the ground. I love fall, but why does it have to happen durning b-ball season? My mom (love you) came over and we raked the ENTIRE backyard once already.
I mentioned the leaf situation to coach yesterday morning, perhaps while he was packing above stated lunch (maybe I distracted him), and he said, "Leaves, haven't thought much about them..."
WHAT?? I said: "hmmm...really??"
Apparently he did some more thinking between then and lunch because he came home to help me rake! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
Also a side poop blends in with brown leaves REALLY well...EEEWWW!