Friday I pulled Claire out of school. Maybe I'm a bad parent but heck, she gets almost 100% on every assignment so I thought this little transgression wouldn't exactly hurt. Coach had a game on the other side of the state. Read LONG road trip. Claire likes to think of them as mini adventures. Anyway, let's just say the game wasn't pretty and leave it at that. Then, on the way home we got into a snowstorm. Su-per. Finally rolled in around oh...12:30. Good thing I'm a planner (and ex-Girl Scout...always be prepared) I packed her pj's. So...Coach just had to get her sleepy limp dead weight body up the stairs.
Oh, and if that's not enough b-ball for one's also recruiting season. So, yes, another gym. Claire always just asks, "Are we going to our gym or someone else's?" Usually, someone else's. Good news though we landed our best recruit. Went out to celebrate, with Claire and the other coach's daughter in tow. Another 12:30 night.
When Claire says she still needs sleep, I've learned it's best to believe her...the first time. She's not much of a morning person. That's putting it lightly.
We did read Bible stories to that will have to suffice for today. God please forgive us. But you know like no other that it is recruiting season and our team ain't so pretty right now. God you know I CANNOT endure another stinky season. I found yet another gray hair last week. The losing is killing me...and messing with my hair. So even though we didn't attend today, please bless us anyway. Amen.