So, last Friday we went on another recruiting trip, no surprise there. I was pretty happy because we didn't have to travel far to see this player. The trip went well, said player hit a game winning 3 point shot with six seconds left, and the other Coach brought his daughter for Claire to play with at the game. All is well, except for a few Barbie clothes that fell under the bleachers and had to be retrieved after the game...I'm used to this.
The game was so great that went out to dinner with the coaches and Claire's friend.
Upon arriving home I see two eyes glowing when the headlights near our driveway.
Coach: "Look honey, a deer..."
Me: "I don't think that's a deer." At this point it starts to move. Very short and very dark.
Coach: "Oh, wait, I think it's a panther!!"
Me: (In my head) WHHAAATTTT? Are you crazy there's no panthers around here!!!
Coach: "No, no...that's Summit! (our dog) I must've forgot to let him in before we left!"
Lessons learned: During b-ball season the less responsibilities you give Coach, the better. If we are going somewhere remotely basketball related, you better be the one to take care of the living things, Coach is sidetracked, just count on it. Double check this, ALWAYS!