Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Inclement weather

Today the weather cooled off to around 60 degrees and the skies threatened rain. So, we did what any mother would do after calling four friends for play dates and getting four answering machines, we decided to go to the movies. 

Now the best part about this whole deal was the price. There is an old theater in town that shows an afternoon kids movie twice a week for just a dollar admission. And, you can get a popcorn and drink for three dollars.  So, here's the math, two people with popcorn and drink, $8.00! Love it!! You can't get much for under ten bucks these days.

The movie wasn't the greatest but the price was right and the company was excellent. So, who's complaining? Not me, that's for sure.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What a Zoo-tiful day

After Claire was stuck in either a hot gym or a car traveling to open houses, I thought she deserved something a little fun. That can be read that I actually wanted to do something fun. So we decided on the zoo. What is more fun than feeding giraffes with long purple gooey tongues? 

We had a great day, not too hot, not too cold and as an added bonus, no rain. My mom came with us and it was fun to be kids again.

We loved the prairie dogs, and the turtles in the pond, feeding the goats, and the little zoo train.

But honestly, after being in a gym all weekend, anyplace would look good.

P.S. Had to mention something Claire said today because I thought it was rather hilarious.

I asked her to wiggle one of her teeth in front. The visual is disgusting but I will share only for the sake of getting the full effect. Her loose tooth is to the right of her two bottom front teeth. It is literally just hanging there defying all laws of gravity. The other tooth is already coming in behind it pushing it further into space with every passing moment.

Claire says, "Mom, I already wiggled it today. It felt so disgusting I thought I was going to throw up! No I'm not wiggling it again!"

Seriously? Throw up? Really? Maybe she's a touch on the dramatic side. Maybe she's a touch like her mom.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back on the open house circuit

Okay, we're back on the open house circuit this weekend. Except for one small snafu. Coach calls me on Wednesday with the following conversation:

Coach: "Hey Hon, um, now don't get freaked out (nothing ever good follows this. ever). Well, you see, um, we kind of have to do concessions for an all weekend AYBT basketball tournament at the college. (Big PAUSE) Are you there?"

Me: "Um, you know that we have two open houses on Saturday and we have to drive to OHIO on Sunday to sign our last recruit and attend her open house right?"

Coach: "I know. We'll make it work" (translation: I know you'll figure something out)

I did. I called for reinforcements. My mother-in-law, the planner, has lists for everything. This time I was grateful she kept stock of everything from the last time we did tourney concessions. Major help. Plus cuts down on the trips to Sam's Club.

How is it that nobody notifies the coach that there is a tourney until 3 days before? Seriously people. Seriously. A little planning here. 

See we have such well, interesting, weekends here.

I'd much rather have relaxing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Help me BEAUTIFY my blog

I know two posts in one day... I've gone mad.

This is what I want to know. Many of you snazzy ladies have blogs that rock and look cool doing it. I want to beautify my blog and am looking for the know how. 

Please help me. You don't want to go on looking at this ugly blog do you?

Smooches and thank you's to all that reply!

Hot! Hot! HOT!

No I'm not talking about some stud in the grocery line...I'm talking about the weather. We went from winter to nuclear in a matter of days. Spring didn't really happen much. A pleasant reminder that I could TOTALLY handle living somewhere warm. 

I LOVE YOU SUMMER! Please stay a long time. 

I want to get new patio furniture and enjoy all you have to offer. Hmm, maybe add a Mojito or Margarita to that picture. Yep, perfect.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Note to summer

Thank you for finally coming to Michigan. I love my flip-flop Farmer's tan! The Farmer's tan on my left arm from sitting at a recruit's softball game a couple weeks ago...I could do without.

Gotta remember the sunscreen on them arms.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To all the dads out there who have: 

put up with long road trips filled with, "are we there yet?"; explaining to their teenage daughter at least a hundred times why it's important to change the oil and what, in fact, a dipstick is; danced with their daughters in the living room; let their creativity flow when they wanted to build robots out of scrap wood; let them dig up the back yard when they wanted a swimming pool then filled in all the holes when they discovered it was too much work; pulled their children on a sled; taught their kids about baseball or softball; loved their children's mothers and weren't afraid to show it; been a hero to a child; played in the rain or acted silly just because; took time out of their busy day to make their child feel special, actually got the puppy, read to a child, taught their daughter not to be too afraid of bugs...


To my own dad...a special thanks for all he's done. And putting up with two daughters sharing ONE bathroom through the teenage years. That, in itself, is quite an accomplishment in my book. LOVE YOU DAD!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Open House Circuit

In Michigan, when you graduate from high school you usually hold an open house. Something along the lines of tents in the yard, folding tables, food and a shrine of the student's accomplishments age 0-present. 

All that is fine and dandy. Except when you're a coach. Every year we end up doing the "open house circuit" for all of the newly recruited players. It ends up being a lot. I buy the graduation cards in bulk at the dollar store. Every weekend June through July, sometimes into August has at least one open house scheduled. It ends up feeling like you're on tour. I'm all for free food, but there has to be an easier way.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Enough Already!

Okay...I feel like the 40 days and nights of rain. Enough already. 

Memo to Mother Nature...here's the deal, it's June, MID-JUNE, please send the sun north soon. I know it's a little unhealthy, but we could really use a little tan up here. No lie. The white legs around town are ghastly. Sun, PLEASE! We're begging. We are. We will do almost anything for those warm rays. At least consider it. We've been good all winter.

We pinky swear!

Thanks so much in advance. We really need a few months of the sun. You don't want us crabby all winter again do you? Don't answer that.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thanks, Coach

I got this bright idea to have a garage sale to get rid of all our unwanted crap. So yesterday my mom (thanks) came over to help get the garage ready. Who knew so much dirt could accumulate over winter. Oh wait, winter here is about 9 months, so really, maybe not all that surprising. Anyway, being in all that dust and having our crappy cottonwood trees in full fuzz gave me a MONSTER headache. 

Went to bed with it. Woke up with it. Tired of it. Thanks to Coach for getting our Sweet Bean up, dresses, fed, making her lunch and driving her to school.

Double thanks for letting me sleep in!

Work out...I'll handle you tomorrow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Horse riding yep, it's a sport

Claire has been begging for EVER, at least since she's been three, for horse riding lessons. I, being the economical one, have been putting them off for as long as possible because they are, let's just say a little pricey. This year, after several years of begging, I caved. Claire got her lessons. She also suckered me into taking them with her.

Now many things in life actually look easier than they are. Horse riding, I assure you is one of these things. It doesn't help that Claire has taken to this like a duck to water. It's like golfing with coach when every shot hits the green and it takes me 8 shots to get there. Seriously people, does someone have to out do me on everthing? Horse riding, I'm gonna get this yet. Claire was trotting the first lesson and the instructor has said she's a natural. ugh. A subtle reminder that I was a cheerleader...FOR A REASON!

Maybe shopping could be my sport? Ya think?