Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back on the open house circuit

Okay, we're back on the open house circuit this weekend. Except for one small snafu. Coach calls me on Wednesday with the following conversation:

Coach: "Hey Hon, um, now don't get freaked out (nothing ever good follows this. ever). Well, you see, um, we kind of have to do concessions for an all weekend AYBT basketball tournament at the college. (Big PAUSE) Are you there?"

Me: "Um, you know that we have two open houses on Saturday and we have to drive to OHIO on Sunday to sign our last recruit and attend her open house right?"

Coach: "I know. We'll make it work" (translation: I know you'll figure something out)

I did. I called for reinforcements. My mother-in-law, the planner, has lists for everything. This time I was grateful she kept stock of everything from the last time we did tourney concessions. Major help. Plus cuts down on the trips to Sam's Club.

How is it that nobody notifies the coach that there is a tourney until 3 days before? Seriously people. Seriously. A little planning here. 

See we have such well, interesting, weekends here.

I'd much rather have relaxing.

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