Sunday, March 15, 2009

Missing Tooth

I sent Claire to her Father's house this weekend and it finally happened. She lost the snaggly, gnarled, tooth that has been in her mouth way too long. He bugged her, and me, about it incessantly! I re-assured him, as did Claire, AND the dentist that it would come out eventually. Imagine that, we were all actually RIGHT!

Quite a b-day weekend for the bean. She comes back this morning and we're going to a gem and mineral show. Let's just say that she's a rock lover. We actually own a rock polisher. Plus, you can buy fossils cheap. Not every kid's idea of a good time, but Claire LOVES it. And her Papa loves taking her. We're off to find a treasure!

1 comment:

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Middle son is 6 1/2 and has yet to lose one tooth! My oldest had lost almost all his baby theeth by this age.