Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eye, eye, eye!

Okay we are at the tail end of basketball camp '09. This is not my favorite part of summer by any means. We do not have a staff that designs the camp, runs the camp, etc. Basically, I am the gopher. I get lunch, clean up after lunch, make and print autograph sheets, organize all the registration, and this year I blew up all the basketballs. (More proof that I am a rockstar.) 

Anyway, all is going well, even the weather has been pretty cool. So at least the gym doesn't feel like a broiler, a oven by early afternoon, sure. But it is better than it was last year, when I was convinced that a person could actually sweat to death.

So I have been good a juggling all this business this week, and keeping my own 7 year old fairly happy and entertained.

But I have an eye problem going on. My left eye is pink and it HURTS! Bad! Now, unfortunately this is nothing new. I went to the eye doctor with said problem a few weeks ago. Apparently, not dry eye like he said. I still have the same problem. I think it actually feels worse.

Now how am I supposed to fit a trip to the eye doctor in my schedule today? 

I'll have to get back to you on that one.

1 comment:

amy said...

Hiya lovely lady! I just left you an award on my blog, please check it out!