Saturday, November 29, 2008

The aftermath

Well, one holiday down, one to go. I have to admit, I spent Black Friday decorating the tree. It was nice and relaxing after having a house full of people for Thanksgiving. We may do a little decorating today and go see Santa at the mall. Low key, I like it.

Last night we also went to scout a couple of the teams we're playing this year. (See, no matter how hard I try, I can't get away from b-ball. Scouting over Thanksgiving that's LOVE.) They were both playing in a tournament. Claire and I went through the Thanksgiving ads to pick out things she may want this year while Coach taped the games. I sure hope Santa has an additional job that pulls down some bucks! Actually, Santa is close to being done. Close but not finished. Let's just say that Mrs. Claus, much like (VERY much like) Mrs. Coach, is a smart woman. She always leaves room in the budget for the last minute...I need this or I might DIE gifts. Everything, apparently, is dramatic in the life of a six year old girl. Actually, from having been around the b-ball team, and being a girl, I would say that there is a little drama in every woman. So, Mr. Claus, there is this great perfume gift certificate at's really get to choose your own scent and everything...and if I don't get it...well...something DRAMATIC might just happen...  

Did you leave room in the budget...Santa?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...almost

Happy Thanksgiving...almost. I'm wishing you bellies full of potatoes, pumpkin pie, and yummy turkey. We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. So that means a house full of 18 plus. (Eighteen plus during b-ball season, more proof that I am a ROCKSTAR!) Everybody brings something, so less cooking for me! Coach always deep fries a turkey. Honestly, some of the best bird ever! He does a great job and has never set the house on fire. One small lawn incident, but never the house.

Also, tomorrow we will be doing another holiday tradition...Jingle BINGO! We all bring white elephant gifts then play bingo to see who takes home the tacky prizes. It is a lot of fun. We used to play it at my Grandma's house. It's always good for a laugh.

Coach  may also do a little scouting over break. Trying to convince Claire that's a good idea, well that's going to take some doing...and maybe a trip to see Santa.

From my family to yours...Happy Thanksgiving. May you remember all the things that you are thankful for! I sure do.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Love my Coach

Well, our little sickie will be going to school tomorrow. However, I have some, um...girl issues going on today. I pretty much feel like crap. But I feel lucky today to be married to Coach. He made me French toast for breakfast. He is a WONDERFUL cook! He also helped clean the house and got me medicine. Love HIM! And ran out in the freezing cold weather to get stuff for Claire's lunch and the newspaper.

Lucky me.

Just a side note I did spend ALL day Saturday helping run a tournament for the B-ball team. Concessions all day. Do you think we're even? Maybe...almost.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A resident of Sickville reaches out

Here I am in Sickville with Claire, who by the way is s-l-o-w-l-y on the mends. Even though she's still not sleeping well at night...lucky us.

Anyway, out of boredom, I picked up a the latest copy of Coach's Men's Health magazine. They claim to have a gift guide that they practically guarantee the recipient won't want to return their gift. Check it out: We'll see...we'll see.

The guys gifts I think were a little off, at least for us. I don't think Coach would use many of the gifts there. He's a simple guy who likes simple things. I have a pretty good idea for him already but I can't post it...yet. He'll read this you know.

The girls side however, there were a few things. I'll post them here. See post above.

Bare Escentuals, let's just say I'm addicted. Love their make-up. As a matter of fact, I know Coach is getting me a gift set for Christmas. Thanks Coach. Okay, okay, yes I bought it. But I'm claiming that the man is buzy. That's my story. I'm sticking to it. good. I don't live super close to a Starbucks, but we have a Bearclaw Coffee Co. Love it! Coffee, in my opinion, should be made one of the food groups. How does anyone survive without it? I'm drinking some right now! Yummy. See, there can be a little piece of happiness in every day. Even if it just comes in the form of coffee.

Team Update: There is a game tonight and I'm calling on reinforcements so that I can go. Nana (a.k.a. my mom) is coming over to watch Sickie Bean tonight. That's probably good. If I don't see the outside world soon I might just lose it. Is anybody still out there? I'm sure you are.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sickie Update

My night consisted of listening to Claire cough and me and Coach trying everything to get her to stop coughing. No vaporizer, Vicks or cough remedy was working. We pulled out the whole bag of tricks...nothing. You name it, we probably tried it. Finally around 5:30 a.m. she stopped coughing. A small but wonderful miracle!

Needless to say we were at the doctor's office this morning. The prognosis: Scarlet Fever! Su-per. She had this last year as well. I had my suspicions when she started developing a rash late yesterday. I was right. Scarlet fever is basically strep with a rash. I'm sure there is more to it but I'm not the doctor-y type. I hate hospitals, needles, gowns, and the sterile smell of offices. So I'm not exactly up on all the lingo. So, Sweet Bean and I will be sharing the house at least until Friday. We don't want to share all the nasty germies with the class. We could...but I'm not one of those moms. 

So, there won't be any super engaging blogs for the next couple of days, unless something mega exciting happens on Noggin. That's what we'll probably be watching.

I was supposed to go to coffee this morning with Mrs. Coach S. That would've been yummy. 

But nursing a sick Sweet Bean, also okay.  Get better soon baby girl, get better soon.

Monday, November 17, 2008

We're Sickies

Sorry I've been away for a few days. Sickness has found us. I wonder how sometimes with the amount of soap and hand sanitizer we go through daily. 

Actually, I just have a migraine. I get them when the weather changes sometimes. Yesterday it snowed, so that's a weather change, for sure. 

Claire, technically is the sickie. She's running a slight fever and complaining of a sore throat. She's home today. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow. If not, it's off to the doctor's office.

TEAM UPDATE: Saturday we broke 100 points! 107 to be exact. How exciting! We won, and it was a much needed  confidence boost. We had a team dinner (ordered Tuscany pasta from Pizza Hut, yummy). It was a hit and as always reaffirmed my belief, girls CAN EAT! At least our team can.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why I REALLY have dogs...


The dog in the top picture is "my dog." He was the one we adopted from the Humane Society last year (during basketball season...proof I am a tad crazy). Shads I inherited when I married Coach. Summit I begged for and Coach surprised me. He really is a great dog. He doesn't get in the cabinets...yet. Barbies and Claire's toys...that's a different story.

From these lovely mental pictures of our doggy antics I'm sure you can see why we love them...sometimes. But the REAL reason that I have them is because I'm a lilly.

I watch too much CSI, Cold Case Files, etc. Coach is away a lot during the season and I have an overactive imagination. REALLY overactive. I have seen the dogs bark at walkers, cats, deer, and occasionally a plastic bag or newspaper that wanders into the yard. Personally, I wouldn't mess with them. Most of the walkers in our sub cross to the other side of the street when they're out. Proof they actually can be a deterrent...right?

I also have them because dog hair goes with everything. At least I like to think so.

Team update: 2-2 with a game on Saturday. One of our better players blew her knee out yesterday during a scrimmage. Total bummer. We also lost the scrimmage by four. Saturday will be better, yes?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Tonight while Coach was at practice, Claire and I put up her little Christmas tree in her room. Yes, I know that it is early. Yes, I know that it isn't even Thanksgiving, but cut me a break. We have all away games in December! Including a the northern part of Michigan. Let's just say that last year we had to dig our vans out with boxes because there was a mega snowstorm...

I digress...anyway...Claire was decorating her tree...hanging angels, snowmen and the like...when she pauses and looks at me.

Claire: "Mom, do you think angels pierce their wings?"

HHHMMMMM.....What do I say...all the while getting a visual of an angel with mom tattooed on her arm and piercings all over her wings...

Me: "Babe, I don't think so."

Unless they are in biker heaven. But somehow, I don't think God wants his angels sporting the "goth" look all pierced up. 

I could be wrong, but I feel pretty confident about this one.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Only 2 seasons at our house...

I sure hope Claire grows up knowing that four seasons really do exist: fall, winter (yuck), spring and summer. But at our house there are really only two seasons: "In" season and "Out Of" season. Right now we are "in" season. It will last until February or March. "Out of" season is so brief if you blink too long you might just miss it. This year "out of" season was roughly one week, one heavenly week, at Disney. 

Not only are we "in" season right now...the holidays are coming. I'm sure you've noticed. Yes, I do have some gifts bought and yes, even wrapped, but I'm usually further ahead by now. I know, I know, it's the same time every prepared.

I am, mostly. I'f I'm too on top of things I might get ran out of the family by my sister-in-laws and in-laws. They already know that I'm a type A overachiever. So, I do happen to sew some of my daughter's clothes, Yes, I did make little graveyard cookies for the Halloween party out of frosted graham crackers, regular graham crackers and frosting that everyone happened to ooh and aaah over. (I'll try to post a picture of the turkeys I plan on making for the Thanksgiving party) So by everyone else's standards, I'm above and beyond...but for me...I'm a little behind this year.

Just don't let the word get out!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mrs. Coach S is quite clearly a ROCKSTAR!!

Just so you know...if you do something totally amazing in my book, you are a ROCKSTAR! Coach really gets sick of me saying that I am a ROCKSTAR, pretty much every day. But hey, I'm good, damn good. So I AM A ROCKSTAR, especially when I manage to fit a workout into every day (or most every day) plus, I am a coach's wife therefore automatically a ROCKSTAR by default. Even when I decide to let the laundry pile up while sitting on my butt and doing nothing about it, still a ROCKSTAR.

More about why Mrs. Coach S is a ROCKSTAR (yes you have to yell it, duh)...

I love friends...especially the ones who buy you nice surprises and send them home with the Coach! Let me just state that I have endured three-count them THREE-basketball seasons without so much as a thin foam cushion for my heiney. You'd think I'd have enough...natural padding...(I have more than I would like to admit and am not the size 0 my sister is...lucky B)...but one can NEVER have too much padding. Bleacher Butt=not a pretty thing!! So after my yearly rant about bleacher butt, and the millionth hint about getting a bleacher seat for Christmas to anyone that cares to listen (i.e. nobody)...I GOT ONE LAST NIGHT!!!

I don't think a new car could be this exciting! A BAZILLION Thanks to Mrs. Coach really saved my ass, quite literally!

Darn tootin' I'll be the one in the stands on Saturday with the killer seat rest, arm rests and EVERYTHING.

I AM A ROCKSTAR...So is Mrs. Coach S.

P.S. I forgot to give an update on our player with the shoulder injury...she's cleared! NO game on for her Saturday.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This face is very similar to the one Claire had when she got home yesterday. Why?? The answer starts with Coach helping me pack her lunch, snack, backpack for school. 

Coach also took time off his "real" job to help rake leaves (more on that in a sec.) and decided to pick up Claire from school for a surprise. That made her uber-happy. 

This, however,  is the face she had when she pulled me aside when we got home. Here's how the conversation went:

Claire: Did dad pack my lunch today? (insert face photo here)

Me: Yeah, Why?

Claire: Well, next time could you remind him that my lunchbox hooks to the OUTSIDE of my backpack? Oh yeah...and he didn't pack a snack, Mom, snack....

Let's not overwhelm the man, Bean. He DID take time off work to help with the leaves, and pack you lunch, do you expect perfection??

Don't answer that.

More on the leaves...
We live next to a woods, which leads to us having...well, um... a mega leaf problem in the fall. We're talking so many that you can't see the ground. I love fall, but why does it have to happen durning b-ball season? My mom (love you) came over and we raked the ENTIRE backyard once already. 

I mentioned the leaf situation to coach yesterday morning, perhaps while he was packing above stated lunch (maybe I distracted him), and he said, "Leaves, haven't thought much about them..."

WHAT?? I said: "hmmm...really??"

Apparently he did some more thinking between then and lunch because he came home to help me rake! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

Also a side poop blends in with brown leaves REALLY well...EEEWWW!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I know that I have a husband, I did actually talk to him today. Practice is now at a more reasonable time 5-7 p.m. instead of 8-10 p.m. (utter craziness!). However as I type this it is 9 p.m. and still no Coach. I know 'tis the season. I liked the 8-10 better, at least he'd come home out of sheer exhaustion!

Yes, I did my civic duty and voted today. The Bean (Claire) said she would vote for McCain if she could. When I asked her why she said, "Because he looks honest and like he would do a good job."

Oh honey, he's a politician...that's his job. She has a lot to learn...but I guess she has time, being only 6 and all. She did like seeing a few of the states turn color before she went to bed...who will win? Too early to tell.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday's Train wreck

We're back, and not so much better than ever. I don't want to look like the bitter coach's wife because we lost, but I have to say that the ref's SUCKED! Sorry if any of you are refs but this just had to be said. One of our assistant coaches refs for the WNBA and even she said they stunk up the place. 

Not only that, our team got locked out of the locker room at half time and the scorers table was a bunch of softball players who weren't paying attention. They fouled out one of our girls who only had four fouls and let another one play with five. Partially our fault because we didn't have anyone at the table, why...I dunno. But it was a train wreck in every sense of the word.

To top it all off, one of their players yanked our guard down and then jumped on her. This morning we're still waiting to hear if her collar bone was broken.

Can I just mention it was the home team that beat us by four, then gave members of their team the MVP award? tell me....

I'm relaxing today with the Bean, she's home from school today because the teachers have inservice.

Coach reminds me this's only one game...true but it still stinkaroos.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yes, a Garmin can be wrong

On Halloween, the coaches, b-ball girls, wives, and our children all jiffed up on sugar, loaded into two 15 passenger vans (yes, we ride in style), and headed for Cleveland. We arrived, sort of, around 2 a.m. We were close , I did see the sign for Cleveland, but the Garmin actually took us to some subdivision on a dead end road. Um...I KNOW this isn't the hotel. Love technology! I actually was tempted to knock on the closest door and announce, we're here! But decided against it despite my tired bloodshot eyes. That and not wanting to get a gun pulled on the team because some homeowner didn't like the idea of house guest in the middle of the night.

We finally arrive, after re-calibrating the stupid GPS system and our heads hit the pillow at 2:30 a.m. 8:OO arrived WAAAYYY too early, especially when my sleep was disrupted by having our lovely daughter's feet jabbed under my rib part of the night. I know...don't let your kids sleep with you, but at 2:30 in the morning after being in a van for four hours with a bunch of teenage girls and children geeked up on sugar, logic goes out the window.

Finally we get to the game. I was a little nervous (as usual) and excited because after getting our butts waxed in last weeks scrimmage with a couple local colleges, the coaches dreamed up an idea for "team motivation." They decided to find stuff that would piss the girls off and give it to them right before the game. We gave one girl a cheerleading uniform because she's, let's just say, not a fan. We dug up articles from teams they hated in the past. Now I know this is probably a little unorthodox, but damned if it didn't work. We came out to a 12-0 lead and never looked back. It also helped that coach's parents came down and created their own form of student section. DEEEFENSE....DEEEEEFENSE... no lie they were yelling it. They would do a chant for the girls as they got in the game. At one point, they even tried to start the wave. I could not make this up, pinkie swear! I kept stats, like always. It keeps me from yelling and ranting. Never a good look for a coach's wife, at least not this one. I still yell, just not as much as I used to. I try not to yell at the refs anymore, I save that for the "cheering" section.

We've got another game tomorrow...fingers crossed and all other superstitions that apply...lets bring home another win. And if my Sweet Bean, Claire, gets her way, a trophy.