Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sausage update

My stupidity has only caused a purple mangled finger, one that is not broken. Yeah, for that! I still have a splint on it because somehow when you hurt a finger or a toe you inevitably hit it on everything. I'm not sure the laws of the universe surrounding this phenomenon but I know it is true. 

I'm a little bummed I have to miss my horseback riding lesson this week but there is NO WAY I can ride a horse when my hand is purple past my knuckle. Next week, then. Dinner with friends will help make up for my disappointment!

Monday, July 27, 2009


My finger looks like a purple sausage today. It was a grocery shopping accident, I'm ashamed to say. I got it caught between a grocery cart handle and a freezer door handle at Walmart. The result is not pretty by any stretch of the imagination. 

I'm a squeemie person. I don't like injuries, blood, needles, and the like. Today I went for x-rays and pray that it's not broken. My ego, and finger need to heal.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Sweet bean is gone for the week. She's camping with her father. It's the longest week of the summer for me. 

It's also project week. So far I've painted the front porch rail and the bench. Still on the agenda: Painting the floor of the screened in patio, the back door, the garage door and part of the front porch. 

Wow...I better get cracking!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Well...Claire is off with Nana to see Ice Age 3D. Andy is at work. The house is quiet. It has been so long since I've had silence I hardly know what to do. 

Oh wait, yeah I do...I put away laundry while watching all the shows I taped. Yep, makes the mundane chores better.

Weather here feels like fall, although I have enjoyed having the windows open. Fall, please don't come too soon. I'm not ready yet. I've enjoyed having my not so little girl home for summer. I've enjoyed no schedule. I've enjoyed the sun.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eye, eye, eye!

Okay we are at the tail end of basketball camp '09. This is not my favorite part of summer by any means. We do not have a staff that designs the camp, runs the camp, etc. Basically, I am the gopher. I get lunch, clean up after lunch, make and print autograph sheets, organize all the registration, and this year I blew up all the basketballs. (More proof that I am a rockstar.) 

Anyway, all is going well, even the weather has been pretty cool. So at least the gym doesn't feel like a broiler, a oven by early afternoon, sure. But it is better than it was last year, when I was convinced that a person could actually sweat to death.

So I have been good a juggling all this business this week, and keeping my own 7 year old fairly happy and entertained.

But I have an eye problem going on. My left eye is pink and it HURTS! Bad! Now, unfortunately this is nothing new. I went to the eye doctor with said problem a few weeks ago. Apparently, not dry eye like he said. I still have the same problem. I think it actually feels worse.

Now how am I supposed to fit a trip to the eye doctor in my schedule today? 

I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Had the carpets cleaned today. I love clean carpets. I'd love hard wood floors more, but that's not gonna happen in the near future. So I'm happy the carpets are clean. They feel clean, and soft again. The house smells better. Fab-ulous.

I love that I didn't have to clean them.

Life is good.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pink eye

Yep. I swear I have it. My left eye is well, pink. It hurts. Bad. But I am not caving and going to the eye doctor yet. Last time I went it was a thirty five dollar co-pay for dry eye. My eye, for the record, looked the same. Maybe it's just allergies, dry eye, could be pink eye. I'm not a doctor and apparently I'm too cheap to consult one at this point.

Regardless if it's allergies or pink eye. It stinks. Plain and simple.

I just don't look as cute in glasses. Really, that's what it's all about, isn't it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Super mom

I'm convinced that I might have an alter ego. I may, in fact, be a super hero...or mom at least. Or maybe Claire has been checking out WAY too many super hero movies at the library this summer. Anyway, here is where I tell you why I might, in fact, have super powers.

1. I can hear "MOM!" from practically anywhere, upstairs, downstairs, outside. Super hearing...perhaps

2. I can carry two laundry baskets up the stairs while two large labs are trying to run down in the opposite direction and have lived to tell about it more than once.

3. I can usually find missing things...except yesterday when coach found the missing stuffed animal. Hmm, an off day? 

4. I can travel long distances and make several stops in ONE day. While NOT flying, except in my SUV.

5. I can get all of the Christmas shopping done, wrapped, and cutie-fied, DURING basketball season. This defies all logic and I personally amaze myself with this one.

Oh wait...maybe I am just a regular mom. But some days I end up so pooped that I figured I must be super somehow...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today was $8 movie day. The price includes tickets and popcorn for two of us. I love the deal. The movie this week: Monsters vs. Aliens. Cute. Liked it. But I LOVED spending the afternoon with my daughter. 

I even fit a hair cut into the crazy schedule.

Quite possibly, I rock.

Monday, July 6, 2009

In Gear

As in I will be kicking it "in gear" this week. So much to do it seems like events spill off of one day on the calendar and onto the next.

Today: errands and the pool
Tuesday: Movie with friends (the dollar show cuz I'm cheap); pick up prescription
Wednesday: Claire has a party and I am giving one of the girls on the b-ball team makeup tips
Thursday: Horse riding
Friday: The carpet man comes to clean the funk out of the carpets (THANK YOU!!) 

Sandwiched in between are about 80 million loads of laundry, miscellaneous phone calls, etc.

Here's what I think...I need a vacation. Vegas anyone? We're thinking of going last minute in a couple weeks. Let's book, baby.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th! These are Claire's festive fourth feet before she left for camping. Here's hoping everyone has a happy (safe) 4th of July. Enjoy your family, friends, and freedom. I'll be enjoying mine!