Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Yes, I slept in this morning and yes, we also missed church. I don't feel guilty about it one bit. Okay, maybe a bit, but only because the last two basketball laden days were very long.

Friday I pulled Claire out of school. Maybe I'm a bad parent but heck, she gets almost 100% on every assignment so I thought this little transgression wouldn't exactly hurt. Coach had a game on the other side of the state. Read LONG road trip. Claire likes to think of them as mini adventures. Anyway, let's just say the game wasn't pretty and leave it at that. Then, on the way home we got into a snowstorm. Su-per. Finally rolled in around oh...12:30. Good thing I'm a planner (and ex-Girl Scout...always be prepared) I packed her pj's. So...Coach just had to get her sleepy limp dead weight body up the stairs. 

Oh, and if that's not enough b-ball for one's also recruiting season. So, yes, another gym. Claire always just asks, "Are we going to our gym or someone else's?" Usually, someone else's. Good news though we landed our best recruit. Went out to celebrate, with Claire and the other coach's daughter in tow. Another 12:30 night.

When Claire says she still needs sleep, I've learned it's best to believe her...the first time. She's not much of a morning person. That's putting it lightly. 

We did read Bible stories to that will have to suffice for today. God please forgive us. But you know like no other that it is recruiting season and our team ain't so pretty right now. God you know I CANNOT endure another stinky season. I found yet another gray hair last week. The losing is killing me...and messing with my hair. So even though we didn't attend today, please bless us anyway. Amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wishful thinking

I'm dreaming of summer! I can handle the winter right up until Christmas, after that I'm pretty much over it. This picture is of Claire on the shores of Lake Michigan. She's holding her treasure of a shell. this picture she still has her front teeth. Those are long gone now. 
I just love this close up of her! Since going to the beach is out of the question these days, I thought I'd THINK of being there. Anyone want to join me?

Here's waiting on warmer weather...waiting to know if they won or lost...and waiting for coach to get home. Game night again. Only eight more left after tonight...more if we make the tourney. Fingers crossed on that one. This team has had a lot of adversity this year. Which translates to the tourney would be a HUGE bonus! 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's warm somewhere

So, my sister calls from Miami the other day.

Sis: "It's FREEZING here today!"

Me: "Really, it's cold here too. How cold it is there?"

Sis: "Wow, like 66 degrees. I have a sweater on!"

Me: (imagine the scowl on my face) "Really...are you...SERIOUS? Yesterday is was -14 here."

Sis: "Yeah, I hate cold weather, that's why I moved."

Now why didn't I think of that? Coach, I'm moving to Miami. Write soon.

Winter. I'm over it. Enough said.

TEAM Update:
We lost again last night. I'm getting sick of losing. Even though Coach insists it's different than last year, it still feels the same. We're still losing. We've been on scouting trips lately. Two this week plus a recruit at our gym on Saturday. One good thing about scouting is that I've become quite a popcorn connoisseur. Seriously, I think Coach will always like it more than I do. He likes seeing the different gyms, me, I'm in it for the popcorn. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Freezing HERE!

Back when I was a kid, we had winter here in Michigan. SERIOUS winter. I'm talking snow, wind, no sun, kind of winter. The kind of cold that when it hits your face your eyes start to tear up and your breath freezes in your throat. Cold that makes you NOT want to sit down because in the 3.5 seconds you were out in it, your pants got frozen and you don't want them touching your leg. 

Then we had some winters that were considered mild. Some said global warming. I said, AMEN.

Apparently, I spoke too soon. Today the high was 2 degrees. That's it. Single digits, me no likey. I HATE the cold. Seriously. I'm planning my retirement on a beach sipping cocktails. Coach doesn't know this yet, but I'm pretty sure he will agree. After all, by then I'll have several years of sitting on bleachers as my bargaining chip. I think that leaves me in a pretty good position. What do you think?

TEAM UPDATE: They lost to a rival tonight. Bummer. Coach is on his way home driving on crappy roads. So I'll stay up as long as I can waiting for him, a.k.a. 2 more hours max. The dogs will do their crazy intruder bark when he gets back. Oh how I love being startled out of sleep by howling, barking, yelping, over excited pups. If you're up around 1 a.m., think of me. I'll be up...again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snowy weather...YUCK

Finally, the snow has stopped! Yowza. Probably a good foot on the ground. 

Yesterday I was reminded of the song Ironic by Alanis Morisette. Coach and I were literally throwing the last few shovels of snow off the driveway when our plow guy shows up. 
"You knew I would be there!" he says. Yeah well, apparently patients is something I need to work on. But, I counted the shoveling as a workout. Wouldn't you?

The game for our team was cancelled yesterday. Make-up is tomorrow. Claire has signed up for an art class, so now I have a schedule conflict. Typical. I think my mom is going to cover taking Claire to art so that I can see the game. Claire's solution was to go to art class for "a little bit" then zoom over to the gym for the game. I am good...but not that good. They are at the same time. My super-mom cape is at the cleaners, and I haven't figured out how to stop time, just yet...or stop chocolate from going directly to my thighs. Working on it, but not yet. I'll let all you other super-moms out there know when I get it perfected. 

Team updated: 3 games this week. Just saying it makes me tired. Wins on all three would make me feel better. Is that asking too much??

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snow Day

Today Claire had a snow day! Hurrah! Alas, I'm still in sweats. 

This morning when I came downstairs she was singing, "Hurray for a 2-hour delay!" Then the phone rang. Automated dialing...gotta love it. When I made the announcement that the whole day was cancelled, well, I guess it would be comparable to winning the lotto. Hold on to that feeling little one, it's the closest you'll probably get to winning it big.

She's in the tub now. She was supposed to have one last night, but we had a Dr.'s appt with the urologist. He was running an HOUR behind! In a positive light, we are actually, and officially on top of homework for once! That is a miracle. I'll take it.

To all of my readers, I will try to be better at posting. Pinky crossies.

Team Update: After beating the number 5 team in the nation, we've quite honestly been laying eggs ever since. We lost our last game on Saturday by 14. Depressing. There is a game tonight so hopefully, HOPEFULLY, we can pull out a win. But, alas, more team drama...and we're down another girl. 

Around this time of the really becomes a grind.