Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break...yippee!

Claire's on Spring Break this week. I wish that entailed some elaborate vacation plans (totally deserve it) but, alas, no. Claire's assignment this week is to take "Flat Stanley", a paper cut-out from school, on adventures over break and write about them in a journal. The teacher's way of getting their brains from melting down completely, I suppose. So far our "Stanley" has made it to Nana & Papa's house (Monday) and to the mall today. I'm sure our mini adventures won't compare to the trips to Florida, Arizona, and the like, but we're trying. We're even taking pictures. I'll try to post some tomorrow. Right now I'm typing upstairs and the camera is downstairs...forgive me.  It's getting late and I used much of my energy spending an HOUR in the toy store trying to use a $20 gift card Claire got for her birthday. We had to look at everything, yes-literally everything, in the store before she decided on her purchase, a rubber dragon and a Tinker Bell fairy. Yes, one HOUR for that. She was happy, me not as much, we still have six bucks on the card. ugh.

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