Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To all the dads out there who have: 

put up with long road trips filled with, "are we there yet?"; explaining to their teenage daughter at least a hundred times why it's important to change the oil and what, in fact, a dipstick is; danced with their daughters in the living room; let their creativity flow when they wanted to build robots out of scrap wood; let them dig up the back yard when they wanted a swimming pool then filled in all the holes when they discovered it was too much work; pulled their children on a sled; taught their kids about baseball or softball; loved their children's mothers and weren't afraid to show it; been a hero to a child; played in the rain or acted silly just because; took time out of their busy day to make their child feel special, actually got the puppy, read to a child, taught their daughter not to be too afraid of bugs...


To my own dad...a special thanks for all he's done. And putting up with two daughters sharing ONE bathroom through the teenage years. That, in itself, is quite an accomplishment in my book. LOVE YOU DAD!

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