Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Inclement weather

Today the weather cooled off to around 60 degrees and the skies threatened rain. So, we did what any mother would do after calling four friends for play dates and getting four answering machines, we decided to go to the movies. 

Now the best part about this whole deal was the price. There is an old theater in town that shows an afternoon kids movie twice a week for just a dollar admission. And, you can get a popcorn and drink for three dollars.  So, here's the math, two people with popcorn and drink, $8.00! Love it!! You can't get much for under ten bucks these days.

The movie wasn't the greatest but the price was right and the company was excellent. So, who's complaining? Not me, that's for sure.

1 comment:

amy said...

Oh, please send your 60 degree weather over to Austin, TX. We have had over 100 degree weather every day since the first week of June! (The hottest weather we have had so far this year was 108 degrees!!) It's miserable!

I love love love discount theatres!