Thursday, June 4, 2009

Horse riding yep, it's a sport

Claire has been begging for EVER, at least since she's been three, for horse riding lessons. I, being the economical one, have been putting them off for as long as possible because they are, let's just say a little pricey. This year, after several years of begging, I caved. Claire got her lessons. She also suckered me into taking them with her.

Now many things in life actually look easier than they are. Horse riding, I assure you is one of these things. It doesn't help that Claire has taken to this like a duck to water. It's like golfing with coach when every shot hits the green and it takes me 8 shots to get there. Seriously people, does someone have to out do me on everthing? Horse riding, I'm gonna get this yet. Claire was trotting the first lesson and the instructor has said she's a natural. ugh. A subtle reminder that I was a cheerleader...FOR A REASON!

Maybe shopping could be my sport? Ya think?

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