Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Freezing HERE!

Back when I was a kid, we had winter here in Michigan. SERIOUS winter. I'm talking snow, wind, no sun, kind of winter. The kind of cold that when it hits your face your eyes start to tear up and your breath freezes in your throat. Cold that makes you NOT want to sit down because in the 3.5 seconds you were out in it, your pants got frozen and you don't want them touching your leg. 

Then we had some winters that were considered mild. Some said global warming. I said, AMEN.

Apparently, I spoke too soon. Today the high was 2 degrees. That's it. Single digits, me no likey. I HATE the cold. Seriously. I'm planning my retirement on a beach sipping cocktails. Coach doesn't know this yet, but I'm pretty sure he will agree. After all, by then I'll have several years of sitting on bleachers as my bargaining chip. I think that leaves me in a pretty good position. What do you think?

TEAM UPDATE: They lost to a rival tonight. Bummer. Coach is on his way home driving on crappy roads. So I'll stay up as long as I can waiting for him, a.k.a. 2 more hours max. The dogs will do their crazy intruder bark when he gets back. Oh how I love being startled out of sleep by howling, barking, yelping, over excited pups. If you're up around 1 a.m., think of me. I'll be up...again.

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